From the Omaha Daily Bee, November 11, 1913. By S. E. Kiser.
I do not envy him who never
Has borne the bruises of defeat.
Whose pathways have been smooth and fair,
Whom Chance has never learned to cheat;
For he has never claimed the sweet
Reward that comes to those who dare
To be triumphant, to possess
The splendid solace of success
Won after failure and despair.
I do not envy lovers who
Have never found their love betrayed,
Who love but once and journey through
Life by one little passion swayed;
For they have never gladly laid
Aside the false love for the true,
And they have missed the splendid thrill
Who, having loved in vain, can still
Forget the ache and love anew.
I do not envy him whose days
Have all been peaceful days and bright,
Who has not looked with envious gaze
On luckier men who scorned his plight;
For he has never won the right
To proudly listen to the praise
Which is reserved for those who gain
Their honors after bitter pain
And many storms and long delays.