The Silvery Lining

From the Rock Island Argus, October 4, 1912.
By Duncan M. Smith.

 There’s no use in moaning
 In weeping and groaning.
 The sun may be shining
 Ere yet it is noon.
 His warm rays may cheer you
 And hope nestle near you,
 So cease your repining
 And look for it soon.
 Make end to the sighing
 For swift years are flying
 And joy at your casement
 Is calling to you.
 Make haste, then, to meet it.
 Go smiling to greet it.
 Give care its effacement
 And hide it from view.
 Oh, turn your face sunward
 And listen for one word,
 A message of sweetness,
 Of love pure and true!
 Be happy, my dearie;
 Be smiling and cheery,
 And then with completeness
 Will joy come to you.