The Regular Fellow

From The Topeka State Journal, December 12, 1912. By Roy K. Moulton

 The Regular Feller is one who kin smile
     When everything goes dead wrong;
 Kin smile with a smile that’s free from all guile
     And tinker up some sort of song.
 The Regular Feller kin whistle a tune
     When things seem to be breaking bad,
 He tries to be happy with what he has got,
     Forgetting what he might have had.
 The Regular Feller don’t talk all the while,
     Like rattlebrained fellers all do,
 But when he says something, just make up your mind
     It’s something worth listenin’ to.
 The Regular Feller don’t tell what he’s done,
     Or big things he’s going to do soon.
 He just goes and does ‘em and keeps his mouth shut
     His secrets he tells to the moon.
 The Regular Feller has no time to stoop
     And dig into other folks’ ground.
 For small village scandal he cares not a whoop,
     He passes no gossip around.
 The Regular Feller speaks well of his kind,
     Or else he says nothing at all.
 There’s no room for rubbish or junk in his mind,
     No room for the thoughts that are small.
 The Regular Feller does not slap your back,
     And brag that he’s always your friend.
 But when you’re in trouble and others all quit,
     He’ll stand by you, right to the end.