The Question

From the Evening Star, December 8, 1912.

 My Uncle Jim has stood the test. He fought clear through the fray.
 He voted all his friends and kin upon election day.
 He knows the questions of the hour, with answers to them all,
 “Initiative,” “Referendum,” and likewise “Recall!”
 About the tariff question, too, he has a lot to say.
 He surely knows his alphabet both ways from schedule “K.”
 We’re waiting for the news. Suspense makes all our bosoms throb;
 We’re wondering if they’re going to give dear Uncle Jim a job.
 He knows exactly how to answer queries on finance.
 Some folks have tried to puzzle him. They never stood a chance.
 The questions of our foreign policy he takes in turn
 And answers them offhand to any one who wants to learn.
 He knows the way to set ‘em right when times get out of joint;
 This world to him is one sublime interrogation point.
 But the question now supreme—with all our nerves it’s playing hob—
 Is simply this: Is Uncle Jim in Line to Get a Job?