From The Topeka State Journal, November 26, 1913. By Roy K. Moulton.
Gas turned low,
They confess
Their romance.
She says Yes,
Date is named,
Cards sent out.
Soon they’re on
Marriage route.
Friends all say,
“Dandy match,
She’s a queen,
He’s a ‘catch.’”
Thing’s all right
For a while.
He’s for clubs,
She’s for style.
Chorus girl
Soon he sees,
Sends her flowers
Just to please.
Wife finds out,
Doesn’t care;
Goes abroad
Lawyer starts
Then, of course,
Wife’s suit
For divorce.
Husband fails
To appear
In the court
Or come near.
Get divorce
Without a flaw;
They both yell,
“Hip Hurrah.”
Paid each week.
Now they’re friends,
So they speak.