The Long-Hour Men

From The Birmingham Age Herald, August 8, 1914.

When close upon the sunset hour
    The welcome whistle blows,
The workman takes his dinner pail
    And homeward gaily goes.
He finds the table neatly spread,
    And supper smoking hot,
And softly hums a little tune,
    Contented with his lot.

He trots the baby on his knee,
    And when the paper’s read,
Knocks out the ashes from his pipe,
    And early goes to bed.
His health is good, his heart is light,
    His slumber sweet and sound—
How different is it with the men
    Who make the wheels go round!

The banker sits before his desk
    Till far into the night,
A thousand things demand his care
    And thread his locks with white.
The manufacturer is late
    When notes are falling due,
And threatened strikes and damage suits
    The merchant’s path pursue.

Eight hours, and then the toiler drops
    His yoke beside his tools,
Eight hours, and all the spindles rest,
    The flaming furnace cools.
But still the business man, although
    His eyes for sleep are dim,
Must grind away, there is as yet
    No eight-hour law for him.


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