The Lazy Day

From the Omaha Daily Bee, September 3, 1913. By W. D. Nesbit.

Well, this has been a splendid and a very perfect day;
I took my work and worries and I threw them all away—
I took the work I ought to do and looked it in the eye
And said, “You get a holiday, old task of mine, good bye,
I hope you have a pleasant time wherever you may roam,
Now, don’t get lost, but just the same you needn’t hurry home.”

My work stood begging at my side, my elbow Duty nudged.
But with a stern and haughty heart I never even budged.
I stretched myself upon my back within the hammock here
And swung and swung and let my soul get bubbling full of cheer.
My work went galley west, I guess—I know it isn’t done—
But, friend, to have a lazy day is certainly some fun.

And all the things I worry for and of—the pesky things!
I gave them all to understand they might as well take wings.
I’d worried over them in a most faithful, earnest way,
But worry hasn’t any place in any lazy day.
Some little worries fretted up and sighed, “What can you do?”
I blew them all to smithereens with one intense “Pooh! Pooh!”

So here I am, with work undone, unworried worries, too,
And still the grass is nice and green, the sky is nice and blue,
The world is rolling right along, no doubt the stars will gleam—
I guess I’ll linger here a while and muse and doze and dream.
My friend, when Work is fighting you and Worry wants to stay,
Just throw the whole thing to one side and have a Lazy Day.