From the Rock Island Argus, November 15, 1913. By Henry Howland.
For nine long years she worked away
With all the strength she had;
She showed improvement day by day
And made her parents glad;
She went abroad to study there,
Her father’s purse grew thin,
But “maestros” said her gifts were rare
In Paris and Berlin.
She practiced in the mornings and
She practiced late at night;
She gained much strength of arm and hand,
Her touch grew sure and light;
While other girls were having fun
In foolish, girlish ways,
She practiced steadily and won
Her teacher’s honest praise.
At last, with nothing more to do,
She sought her native town,
And there was wooed and won there, too.
She quickly settled down.
Her babies play upon the floor,
Her husband’s purse is thin,
And “maestros” think of her no more
In Paris or Berlin.