The Dawn of the New Day

From the Rock Island Argus, January 2, 1915. By Edward Neville Vose.

The old year dies ‘mid gloom and woe—
    The saddest year since Christ was born,
And those who battle in the snow
    All anxious-eyed look for the morn—
The morn when wars shall be no more,
    The morn when Might shall cease to reign,
When hushed shall be the cannons’ roar
    And Peace shall rule the earth again.

As ye from far survey the fray
    And strive to succor those who fall,
Let each give thanks that not today
    To us the clarion bugles call—
That not today to us ’tis said,
    “Bow down the knee, or pay the cost
Till all ye loved are maimed or dead,
    Till all ye had is wrecked and lost.”

Should that grim summons to us come
    God grant we’d all play heroes’ parts,
And bravely fight for land and home
    While red blood flows in loyal hearts.
But now a duty nobler far
    Has come to us in this great day—
We are the nations’ guiding star,
    They look to us to lead the way.

They look to us to lead the way
    To liberty for all the world.
The dawning of that better day
    When war’s torn banners shall be furled—
The day when men of every race
    Their right divine shall clearly see
To rule themselves by their own grace,
    Forever and forever free.


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