The Dangers in the Dark

From the Rock Island Argus, March 18, 1914. By Henry Howland.

I wish that it were possible to be as good by day
As when at night, I am alone, to foolish fear a prey,
For then I think of righteous things that I would gladly do,
And fashion for myself a course all blameless to pursue.

But when the day has come again, with all its snares and cares,
And I am face to face with men and mix in their affairs,
Somehow the resolutions which I clung to in the dark
Are put aside as foolish things, unworthy of remark.

I wish that it were possible, when I am well and strong,
To shun the habits which prevent a man from living long;
When I am ill and toss about upon a bed of pain
I list a score of things which I shall never eat again.

But when my health returns and I am once more on my feet
I cease to wisely shun the things that I should never eat;
To ancient habits I return, and lightly cease to dread
The dangers that appeared so great when I was sick abed.