The Artistic Temperament

From the Bisbee Daily Review, January 30, 1913.
 By Roy K. Moulton.

 Maggie Jones studied music and learned how to sing.
 And she went in quite strong for grand opera thing.
 When she visited home her reception was grand,
 But her language the old folks could not understand;
 For she spoke with a strange, almost foreign accent
 On account of her artistic temperament.
 Henry Peck was the pride and the joy of his town,
 ’Til one day he leaped into a sudden renown
 When he drew a cartoon which called forth glad acclaim,
 And secured a half-Nelson on old Mistress Fame.
 Then he quit work and hasn’t a single red cent,
 On account of his artistic temperament.
 Katie Binks made good money type-writing until
 Some one told her she had a fine artistic skill;
 And she went in for painting just three months ago
 And she spent all her coin on a fine studio.
 Katie’s just been ejected for missing the rent,
 On account of her artistic temperament.
 William Hanks was a blacksmith and was all the rage
 With the home talent shows, so he went on the stage.
 Now his wife has divorced him and he’s had a hunch
 That he’s well on the road to the gin mill free lunch.
 For hard work has not recently been Williams bent,
 On account of his artistic temperament.
 In the works of the slangist high art is a “shine,”
 And hereafter it’s naught but the old fame for mine.
 For three square meals a day and a quiet home game
 Is a mighty sight better than laurels and fame.
 For there’s no peace of mind and no lasting content,
 When you’re stung by the artistic temperament.