From the Evening Star, May 24, 1913. By Philander Johnson. Oh, the dear old funny story Still appearing in its glory— What a train of memories it will invite! It will bring fond recollections Of the humorous reflections That the lecturers would stand up and recite. Each comedian rehearsed it After-dinner speakers nursed it We would hear it set to music light and gay. Even leaders of the nation As a means of illustration In their speeches kept it going on its way. Ivy climbs upon the steeple And the faces of the people Are wrinkling and their hair is turning gray; And the landmarks of each city Slowly crumble—more’s the pity— Till improvements come and sweep them all away. But that good old comic whimsy Though it seemed so wan and flimsy Still provides a glint of fiction or of truth. It’s a wondrous demonstration Of the one thing in creation That rejoices in an everlasting youth.