From the Rock Island Argus, February 15, 1913. By S. E. Kiser. Backward, turn backward, O time, in your flight! Give me conceit again, just for tonight; Carry me back to the days when I wore Loud clothes and in fact, was a gay sophomore; Smooth from my forehead all traces of care Cover my poll with a thatch of dark hair; Put all the doubts that assail me to sleep Give back the self-love I neglected to keep. Tired of the hollow, the base and untrue. I long to be somewhere around 22, With the boundless conceit that enlivened me then, When I fancied I wielded a masterful pen; When I thought that the things which I wrote were sublime, And was sure that my fame must endure through all time— When I proudly believed that my wisdom was deep And that genius was resting when I went to sleep. Turn backward, O time, for tonight, won’t you please And let me be gladdened by youth’s ecstasies? Permit me to have the cock-sureness of yore That I had when I strutted, a proud sophomore, Believing I knew all a mortal might know And sure I was chosen to lead here below; Oh put all the doubts that perplex me to sleep, Give back the conceit I’ve neglected to keep.