From the Newark Evening Star, December 21, 1914.
Where we used to live we had
A fireplace, big and wide,
An’ all that Santy had to do
Was hold his breath an’ slide,
An’ squeeze hisself until he fit
The hole, an’ then jest drop—
An’ he knowed where the stockin’s was,
‘Cause that was where he’d stop.
Where we used to live it was
No trick for him to climb
Up to the chimbly on the roof
An’ find us, Christmas-time;
But now I’m worryin’ for fear
He won’t know where he’s at,
Or mebbe can’t get in at all!
We’re livin’ in a flat.
We’re livin’ in a flat, an’ say,
You mus’ be mos’ polite,
Or else the janitor he’ll go
An’ lock you out at night!
There ain’t no chimbly to our house
Where Santy Claus can slide—
There ain’t no fireplace—just a pipe
About two inches wide.
They heat our flat with steam—that’s why
I’m afraid he can’t get in
With all his toys, an’ drums an’ things,
Unless he’s awful thin;
An’ how’s he gon’ to wiggle out
When he gets in? Gee whiz!
There’s such an awful little hole
There where the sizzle is!
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