
From the Omaha Daily Bee, June 24, 1915.

“I’ve wandered through the city,” murmured Hezekiah Bings.
“I’ve seen an’ heard a lot of mighty interestin’ things.
I’ve seen the motor cars that went all screamin’ on their way
An’ sprained an eyelid winkin’ at a motion picture play.
I’ve heard the trolley buzzin’ down below or up above
An’ got into the crowds where nervous people shout and shove;
I am full of strange impressions that I gained by night an’ day—
Oh, take me to some quiet spot where they kin fade away.
Jes’ let me sit upon the fence an’ contemplate the scenery;
Some place where everything is not conducted by machinery.

“I’ve listened to the whistle an’ the rattle an’ the roar
An’ joined the eager throng that stood around and cheered the score.
I’ve chased a car for blocks an’ then I’ve swung upon a strap
Until I felt that I was scattered all around the map.
I dearly love the city with its music an’ its lights,
But I’ve improved my mind enough a-lookin’ at the sights.
The dearest place I know of, an’ its there I long to roam,
Is where you buy a ticket that’ll carry you back home.
So start me for the country, with its sunlight and its greenery,
Where you kin live an’ die without assistance from machinery.


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