From the Omaha Daily Bee, November 24, 1912. By S. E. Kiser. Your cheeks have lost their youthful glow Your hair is getting gray We, side by side, in weal and woe Have come a long, long way. ’Tis far to where you learned to care And where I taught you how Your girlish glee is gone and there Are lines across your brow. ’Tis long since I have gladly bent To whisper love to you ’Tis long that we have been content To prosper with the few. I’ve done no wrong to bring regret Or cause you to repine But it is long since you have let Your hand steal into mine. Come, let us stray back o’er the way To where enchantment lies And there, in fancy, all the day Be youthful and unwise. With lavish praise I’ll make you glad And whisper love again— Come, let us be a lass and lad Alone in Lovers’ Lane. Dear, let us steal from jealous Time A precious hour of bliss And you, still girlish and sublime Shall claim a lover’s kiss— ’Tis far to where we learned to care But we will find the way Come, sweetheart, let us journey there Forgetting for a day.