From the Rock Island Argus, September 12, 1914. By Henry Howland.
Men pitied him because he was so blind.
They wondered why he neither saw nor guessed;
His wife had woeful narrowness of mind,
And meager were the charms that she possessed.
To petty jealousies she grimly clung,
And there was venom on her busy tongue.
Men pitied him because he lacked the wit
To see how shamefully he was betrayed,
Because he was content to meekly sit
In silence while her meanness was displayed,
Because through spite and jealousy and hate
She caused his friends to leave him to his fate.
Men pitied him because he lacked the heart
To suffer through her tyranny no more;
But they were foolish thus to take his part,
To think his case was one they might deplore;
Within his corner silently he sat
And thought her something to be marveled at.
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