From The Tacoma Times, January 30, 1914. By Berton Braley.
Oh, Master of the World of men
And Ruler of Eternity,
Neither with voice nor flowing pen
Have I asked many things from Thee;
I have not begged for wealth or fame
With selfish prayers of little worth,
Nor have I called upon Thy name
To smite my enemies to earth.
Yet now to Thee I raise my eyes
And lift my voice for Thee to hear;
No rich and sordid gift I prize,
No plethora of gold and gear;
Only this single boon I pray,
That in a busy world and wide,
Whether my life be grave or gay,
I may not grow self-satisfied.
So, till my final hour is spent,
Until my work and play are through,
Lord, let me never be content
With what I am or what I do;
Deliver me from smug conceit
Which clogs the heart and mind in action—
This is the prayer which I repeat,
“Lord, guard me from self-satisfaction!”