
From The Bridgeport Evening Farmer, February 6, 1915.

Believe as I believe, no more, no less;
That I am right, and no one else, confess;
Feel as I feel, think only as I think;
Eat what I eat, and drink but what I drink;
Look as I look, do always as I do,
And then, and only then, I’ll fellowship with you.

That I am right, and always right, I know,
Because my own convictions tell me so;
And to be right is simply this to be
Entirely and in all respects like me;
To deviate a hair’s breadth, or begin
To question, doubt, or hesitate, is sin.

I reverence the Bible if it be
Translated first and then explained by me;
By churchly laws and customs I abide,
If they with my opinion coincide;
All creeds and doctrines I admit divine,
Excepting those which disagree with mine.

Let sink the drowning if he will not swim
Upon the plank that I throw out to him;
Let starve the hungry if he will not eat
My kind and quality of bread and meat;
Let freeze the naked if he will not be
Clothed in such garments as are made for me.

‘Twere better that the sick should die than live,
Unless they take the medicine I give;
‘Twere better sinners perish than refuse
To be conformed to my peculiar views;
‘Twere better that the world stand still than move
In any other way than that which I approve.


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