From The Seattle Star, December 17, 1912. By Berton Braley. I’m glad I’m young and fond of youthful laughter, Finding much joy in all this wondrous earth; My heart a house—filled up from floor to rafter With love of life and light and gentle mirth— I’m glad I’m young, with eyes that still can twinkle, With ears that pleasure when the songs are sung, And lips that still recall the way to crinkle At jest and whimsy—ah, I’m glad I’m young! I’m glad I’m young, although my hair has whitened And I am near my three-score years and ten; Youth in my heart has kept my spirits lightened, The ways of youth are still within my ken; And if I cannot dance—I watch and listen, Thinking of memories to which I’ve clung; My blood still leaps, my eyes are still aglisten, And, though I’m old, I’m glad that I am young!